Cover of book with an illustrated three storey New York style apartment with different characters in the windows, a jacaranda tree to one side and in the foreground is a woman with short wavy blonde hair and an elegant red frock looking at the viewer

Out Now


A centuries-old curse, a house of secrets and a young woman determined to find out the truth…
A laugh-out-loud adventure through 1930s Sydney’s glamorous (and gritty) underworld.

Woman with white blonde hair wearing a white collared shirt and a black jacket leans against a wooden table with a notebook and pen in hand

About Fiona

Fiona Britton is a Sydney writer whose short stories and poetry have been published in literary journals in Australia and overseas. Fiona likes stories about funny, fearless women who get to have it all. Her debut novel Violet Kelly and the Jade Owl, an historical crime caper, is due out on 1 August 2023.

Avid reader and compulsive telly-binger, here I share my thoughts about the stories keeping me up at night. From escapist fantasy to high-brow literary, there’s no genre this intrepid narrative adventurer won’t explore.