What's that smell? It's inspiration.
Bleuch. Yesterday I had a classic migraine — complete with weird food cravings, then dazzling HOLOGRAMS in my right eye, then glare blindness, then the headache. I was shopping at the time. I realised things weren't right when I couldn't read the label on the tights I was buying. Sure enough, the drama unfolded as expected ...I made it home safely, thanks for asking. Not entirely sure whether being in charge of a vehicle in that state is entirely SENSIBLE ... But I drove anyhow.Today I have what's quaintly known as the 'postdrome': weird sicky feelings, head like cotton wool, scrambled thoughts and a SUPERCHARGED SENSE OF SMELL!No kidding. I'm having trouble writing a sensible sentence but I can smell you from here.So yesterday's migraine was brought about, I think, by wearing strong perfume. I've owned this particular scent for a while. It was an expensive gift. I felt I should be using it. But all morning the smell of it was bothering me and then, of course, my descent to migraine hell began.As a BIZARRE CONSEQUENCE, today my nose is on high alert. Is this some kind of evolutionary advantage? In my weakened state, will I be better able to smell a lurking predator? Lightning fast at sensing the whiff of fear as I stare down a rival ... wait a minute, I'm sitting at a desk. Writing nonsense. Not exactly high-stakes stuff. Maybe I'll be quicker at detecting burning toast?I only wish I could walk down the corridor without feeling queasy at the smell of the cologne from the office next door. SERIOUSLY!Increased sense of smell is called hyperosmia. Apparently (according to migraine.com) it's really common in migraine sufferers.Now, you're wondering what this has to do with stories, right? OK. Firstly, this experience of smelltasticness reminded me that I recently read a poll of favourite books. In my foggy state, I can't remember where (I think it may have been a poll by Penguin on Facebook — I'll find out). Lots of people recommended Perfume by Patrick Suskind, a man with an extraordinary gift for smell. I was also reminded of a stage play my dad wrote about a woman who kept smells in jars, to serve as reminders (dad, was that Landlovers?).Smell is EVOCATIVE. Smell is a time-capsule, capable of taking you straight to a different time, a different place. Smell serves as the essence of a story ...Did you like Perfume? Does smell TAKE YOU BACK to the past? Tell me how a whimsical whiff can whisk you away ...