Fog, hail and poetry: a mountain fortnight

Woke up to a MISTY MORNING here at Varuna writers' centre in the Blue Mountains, west of Sydney. Fittingly, I've been reading NSW writer Mark O'Flynn's terrific misty-mountain Katoomba story, The Forgotten World.FullSizeRenderFullSizeRenderJust as I was dreamily taking foggy mountain photos, the heavens opened and down came the HAIL.FullSizeRender-1 FullSizeRender-4I'm here with four other writers on a NSW LitLink Fellowship, for a fortnight of HIGH-ALTITUDE BRAINWORK. I'm gussying up a poetry collection in readiness to submit it to a publisher.FullSizeRender-3See that room at the front with the windows open? That's my own private creative writing room for a whole SIX MORE DAYS. Yipee!  


Elena Ferrante: Man Booker International Prize shortlist 2016


The whispering dead (reposting)